The former tram-way in the beautiful desolation of the barren moor. That highest top into the hazy distance may be the one we stood on to find our progress checked by the brook |
Oops! Now we're in trouble. We've lost our way and we know it! See those grave looks hovering over an unruly map. |
Annelies preparing for heroically crossing the brook |
Ria doing the same, the alternative being a stiff walk of 50 minutes to the next bridge and back again. |
Me too. We're not going to show you every single crossing, though. Of this, have no fear. Up front, Miep's walking-stick, overseeing the goings on unabashed |
But there's no leaving out Jan's triumphal reaching the bank. It's the only frontal picture of him we have. |
Wim, Miep and Elly putting their shoes back on, while some spectators watch their progression from a respectable distance |
Once back on the higher moors, we romanced the stone, while waiting for Wim and Toon who were making a reconnaissance |
The bridge, a 'clapper-bridge', that was one too far for most of us. Toon was one of the happy few to cross it |
During the day, we had our share of wild ponies, but of herds of cows as well |
As the temperature was at least 85 degrees, the pool held a welcome recovery from the hardships of the wind-swept moors |
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